3 tips on how to care for plants in Summer
Calling all Colorado plant lovers! There are still a few months left in the season, so we’ve rounded up 3 tips on how to care for plants in the summer. These should help make your landscaping pop all season long!
1. Choose the right mix of plants
Our first tip for how to care for plants in the summer is to choose the right plants. For example, many perennial plants don’t tolerate the hot summer sun very well. However, the right annual plants thrive in the summer heat. Annual plants like petunias and begonias top the list and do well in full Colorado sun! Choose a mix of perennials and annuals to enjoy bright colors all summer long.
2. Find the right time to water
Don’t forget to keep watering! Not only do you need to stay in the habit of watering your summer plants, but you should also take the time of day into consideration. For example, early morning is an ideal time to water your plants in Colorado. Watering at this time helps with water conservation! If you water your plants during mid-day, the sun will just dry the soil out faster.
3. Add more mulch if needed
Mulch is kind of like sunscreen for your plants. It keeps the soil from getting too dry in between watering. In addition, roots are kept cooler, and weeds are kept under control. If your layer of mulch is looking low or if it’s been around for a season or more, now is a good time to add a fresh layer.
How to care for plants in summer: a perk of being a homeowner!
There’s nothing like relaxing in your own backyard, surrounded by the flowers and plants you’ve worked so hard to care for. Please contact us today to learn more about Challenger homes and our communities across Colorado Springs and Northern Colorado.